Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My first ever dentist visit!

I had my first ever dentist visit yesterday. Big Baby and I went in and had our teeth counted, scraped, brushed, and flossed. The lady who cleaned them for me let me pick my toothpaste flavor and I picked peppermint, it was good! She even let me hold the mouth vaccum so when I needed to suck out my mouth I could do it myself! It was really funny! She said I was a very good patient. I made sure I sat very still and kept my mouth open so she could check my teeth.

When it was all done I got a token that I used to get a prize out of the prize machine! And because I was espically very super good Mommy and Daddy took me to Build-A-Bear and let me make an animal! I made a pretty turtle. Her name is Shelly and her shell comes off and is a backpack I can put stuff in!!

Sorry there isn't a picture to go with this, but I'll get some on here soon. I did just have a birthday so I have some pictures from that.

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